That Vegan Life


To Be announced

Going vegan can be a life-changing decision. It's a choice to embrace a healthier and more compassionate way of life, one that aligns with your values and benefits both you and the planet. But for many people, the thought of going vegan can be overwhelming. It can feel like a significant lifestyle change that requires a lot of effort and sacrifice. However, with the right guidance and support, going vegan can be a rewarding and fulfilling journey.

What is a Vegan Lifestyle?

A vegan lifestyle is a way of life that involves avoiding all animal products, including meat, dairy, eggs, and honey. Instead, vegans consume a plant-based diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts. This lifestyle is not just about what you eat, but also extends to other areas of your life, such as clothing and personal care products.

The Benefits of Going Vegan

There are many benefits to going vegan, both for you and for the planet. Some of the benefits include:

  • Improved health: A vegan diet is typically rich in nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, and has been shown to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer.
  • Increased energy: By consuming a diet that is rich in nutrients and low in saturated fat and cholesterol, you may experience increased energy levels and a more balanced mood.
  • Better for the planet: Animal agriculture is a leading contributor to environmental problems, such as deforestation, water pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. By reducing your consumption of animal products, you can help to mitigate these impacts and promote a more sustainable way of life.
  • Increased compassion: By choosing not to consume animal products, you are making a statement of compassion for all living beings. By living a vegan lifestyle, you can help to reduce the suffering of animals and promote a more ethical and just world.

Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation and Bro. Hank Wilson: Supporting Your Vegan Journey

If you're interested in going vegan, but feel overwhelmed or uncertain about how to make the transition, Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation and Bro. Hank Wilson can help. Bro. Hank Wilson is a minister of meditation and founder of Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation, an organization dedicated to the study and practice of meditation. He is also an advocate for a vegan lifestyle and understands the challenges that can arise when making the transition.

Through the guidance of Bro. Hank and the team at Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation, you can learn how to incorporate a vegan lifestyle into your daily life. You'll receive support and guidance as you explore new foods and recipes, and you'll learn how to incorporate mindfulness and meditation into your daily routine to help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

The Connection of Meditation and the Vegan Lifestyle

Meditation and the vegan lifestyle are both deeply interconnected. Meditation can help cultivate a sense of compassion and connection with all living beings, which can deepen your commitment to a vegan lifestyle. At the same time, a vegan lifestyle can help you align with your values and promote a more compassionate world.

Through Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation and Bro. Hank Wilson, you can learn how to make the connection between meditation and the vegan lifestyle. By incorporating mindfulness and meditation into your daily routine, you can develop a deeper understanding of your values and strengthen your commitment to a vegan lifestyle.

Getting Started with the Vegan Lifestyle

Getting started with the vegan lifestyle is easier than you might think. The first step is to educate yourself about the benefits of a vegan lifestyle and learn about the many delicious and nutritious foods that are available to you. Try new recipes, experiment with new ingredients, and seek out resources and support from like-minded individuals.

Bro. Hank Wilson and the team at Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation can help you on your vegan journey. They offer workshops, classes, and individual coaching sessions to help you learn more about the vegan lifestyle and develop a daily meditation practice.

With their guidance and support, you'll be on your way to a more peaceful, focused, and fulfilling life. If you're ready to take the next step, we invite you to contact Bro. Hank Wilson for more information. Start your journey today and experience the transformative power of the vegan lifestyle and meditation!

As the teacher and minister of meditation at the Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation, Bro. Hank Wilson offers insights and an understanding of the world and our relationship to the Creator. Readers need to understand that these perspectives are not meant to be taken as a voice of absolute authority and are based on Bro. Hank Wilson's many years of practicing meditation, study, research, and experimentation.

Readers are encouraged to evaluate the thoughts and perspectives shared by Bro. Hank Wilson and consider how they resonate with their own beliefs. If they do not align, readers are free to let them go and wait for a time when they may be more open to considering them. It is important to focus on what truly holds meaning for the reader and choose their focus wisely.

By approaching the material in this manner, Bro. Hank Wilson can share his thoughts freely without infringing on the reader's spiritual growth or free will. The reader is encouraged to take responsibility for how they receive and interpret the information presented on this website.