Remote Healing


To Be announced

Have you ever wondered how it's possible to heal someone far away from you? Remote healing is a powerful technique practiced by many cultures and spiritual traditions throughout history, and it's based on the idea that our thoughts and emotions can influence the health and well-being of others.

Bro. Hank Wilson, a teacher, and minister of meditation with the Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation, is an expert in this field and has helped many people learn how to harness the power of their minds to heal others from a distance. He teaches that meditation is a powerful tool for developing the inner strength and focuses necessary for effective remote healing.

Through regular meditation practice, you can learn to quiet your mind, focus your thoughts, and cultivate positive emotions and feelings. These skills are essential for remote healing, as they allow you to send your positive energy and intention to another person, regardless of their physical location.

One of the key principles of remote healing is that we are all connected and that our thoughts and emotions can have a profound impact on others. By focusing your attention and intention on someone in need, you can help to release blockages, heal physical and emotional imbalances, and support their overall well-being.

Bro. Hank Wilson is dedicated to helping people learn the art of remote healing, and he has developed a comprehensive program that combines meditation and visualization techniques with spiritual principles and teachings from some of the greatest minds in history, including Jesus Christ, the works of L/L research Ra Material, Jane Roberts and all of The Seth Material she channeled and wrote about, Edgar Cayce, Andrew Jackson Davis, Emanuel Swedenborg, Thoth, Laozi, Confucius, Rudolf Steiner, Marcus Aurelius, Patanjali, Bhagavad-Gita, Oahspe, "I AM" Discourses, Comte De Saint-Germain, Phineas Quimby, George King, Thomas Troward, Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus, Emma Curtis Hopkins, Hermes, Masaru Emoto, Emmet Fox, Ptahhotep, Andrew Taylor Still, Charles F. Haanel, Ramana Maharshi, Paramahansa Yogananda, Anpu Hotep, Earlyne Chaney, Émile Coué, Horace Fletcher.

If you're interested in learning more about remote healing, we invite you to contact Bro. Hank Wilson and the Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation. With their expert guidance and support, you'll learn how to tap into the power of your mind and use meditation to heal yourself and others from a distance. Start your journey today and experience the incredible benefits of remote healing!

If you feel anxious, stressed, or just washed out, listen to this short demo brainwave meditation from Brainwave Club. Here's a link to access many unique brainwave meditations.  Highly recommended service for anyone who wants to feel happier, calmer, and more joyful daily! The brainwave technology works. Enjoy

As the teacher and minister of meditation at the Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation, Bro. Hank Wilson offers insights and an understanding of the world and our relationship to the Creator. Readers need to understand that these perspectives are not meant to be taken as a voice of absolute authority and are based on Bro. Hank Wilson's many years of practicing meditation, study, research, and experimentation.

Readers are encouraged to evaluate the thoughts and perspectives shared by Bro. Hank Wilson and consider how they resonate with their own beliefs. If they do not align, readers are free to let them go and wait for a time when they may be more open to considering them. It is important to focus on what truly holds meaning for the reader and choose their focus wisely.

By approaching the material in this manner, Bro. Hank Wilson can share his thoughts freely without infringing on the reader's spiritual growth or free will. The reader is encouraged to take responsibility for how they receive and interpret the information presented on this website.