

To Be announced

Giving Options

As the teacher and minister of meditation at the Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation, Bro, Hank Wilson encourages the practice of generosity and compassion. The Assembly is a non-profit church dedicated to providing guidance, resources, and support to those seeking inner peace and self-discovery through meditation and self-inquiry.

While Bro. Hank Wilson does not personally solicit or request donations; he recognizes the importance of community support in furthering the Assembly's mission. For those who are moved to offer their support, the Assembly gratefully accepts donations to help maintain its programs, services, and efforts to spread the teachings of meditation and self-inquiry.

Every contribution, no matter its size, makes a difference in creating a more harmonious and awakened world. And, as a non-profit organization, donations to the Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation are tax-deductible.

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