Advanced Thought


To Be announced

Advanced Thought from the Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation

"Unlock Your Potential for Inner Peace with Bro. Hank Wilson's Advanced Thought Blog"

Embark on a journey towards self-awareness and inner peace with Bro. Hank Wilson, teacher and minister of the Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation. In his advanced thought blog, Bro. Hank shares his spiritual experiments, insights, and practices to guide you toward a life filled with kindness, compassion, and positivity.

Explore the art of meditation, the science of mental healing, and the power of affirmations. Learn how to practice self-healing and heal others at a distance, and discover the benefits of yoga on your spiritual journey. With Bro. Hank's daily devotion to God as your guide, you will unlock your full potential for inner peace and self-discovery.

Feel the unconditional love and light radiating from Bro. Hank's heart to yours, and align with your highest good. Each time you read and imagine the energy of this blog, it will bring forth more positivity and healing to you and those around you.

So, join Bro. Hank, on this transformative journey and unlock your potential for inner peace.


Every Day In Every Way, I Seek to Serve the Creator Better and Better.


"Luminous Affirmations: The Art of Self-Healing with Chakra Visualization"

by: Brother Hank Wilson



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"Awakening the Spirit: The Science and Mystery of Pyramid Meditation"

by: Brother Hank Wilson



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The ancient wisdom of pyramids has fascinated humanity for centuries. These majestic structures, revered for their geometric perfection and mystical qualities, have found a unique place in the modern practice of medi

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Connecting with the Teachers of the Spirit: Using Meditation for Spiritual Growth and Development

by: Brother Hank Wilson



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Tapping into the Infinite: Exploring the Importance of Meditation with Brother Hank Wilson

by: Brother Hank Wilson



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Unlocking Your Heart Chakra: A Valentine's Day Guide to Inner Peace

by: Brother Hank Wilson



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The Power of Mindfulness and Meditation in Daily Life.

by: Brother Hank Wilson



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Dear friends in faith,

I greet you all with love and blessings from the Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation. Today, I would like to talk about the power of mindfulness and meditation in our daily lives. In this sermon, we will explore the many benefits of mindfulness and meditation and see how they can help us live more fulfilling and meaningful lives.

Mindfulness is the

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Living a Virtuous Life: Lessons from Jesus Christ and Confucius

by: Brother Hank Wilson



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Dear friends in faith,

I greet you all with love and blessings from the Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation. Today, I would like to talk about one of the most important aspects of our lives, and that is Living a Virtuous Life. In this sermon, we will delve into the teachings of two great spiritual leaders, Jesus Christ, and Confucius, and see how their teachings can help us

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Understanding the Paradox of Service: An Explanation for Everyone

by: Bro. Hank Wilson



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The Benefits of Meditation for Busy and Hectic Work Lives

by: Bro. Hank Wilson



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As a teacher and minister of meditation at the Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation, I have witnessed the transformative power of meditation in people's lives, including mine.

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The Seven Principles of Hermetic Philosophy and the Law of One: A Path to Inner Peace and Understanding

by: Bro. Hank Wilson



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Title: Mindful Yoga: A Journey Towards Self-Discovery and Inner Peace

by: Bro. Hank Wilson



Yoga has been an integral part of Eastern spirituality and wellness practices for thousands of years. Its popularity has grown in recent times, and it is now widely practiced around the world. At its core, yoga is not just a physical practice but a path towards self-discovery, inner peace, and mindfulness.

The mindful aspect of yoga involves focusing your attention on your breath, your movements, and your body sensations, helping you to stay present in the moment. This prac

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Meditation for Men: A Path to Inner Peace and Balance

by: Bro. Hank Wilson



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As men, we often find ourselves caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, juggling work, family, and personal responsibilities. It can be easy to get lost in the chaos, causing stress, anxiety, and a feeling of being overwhelmed. This is where

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Unleashing Your Inner Power: Women And Meditation

by: Bro. Hank Wilson



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The Power of Positive Thinking: How Affirmations Can Transform Your Life with the Assembly of Self Inquiry Meditation and Bro. Hank Wilson

by: Bro. Hank Wilson



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Introducing Meditation to Children: A Journey to Inner Peace and Self-Discovery

by: Bro. Hank Wilson



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Meditation has been a long-standing practice for centuries, providing individuals with numerous benefits such as reduced stress, increased concentration, and heightened self-awareness. However, the question remains - can meditation be taught to childr

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